Q: Do you believe in a higher power? (Love, God, Universe, Grace, Spirit, whatever) Why? Why not?
A: Nope. I was always the kid in Catholic school asking too many questions about how this or that didn’t add up and ultimately I always ended up being made to sit in the corner by some grumpy nun. I never bought it. Never needed it. I’m an irrelevanist. The answer to “is there a higher power” really makes no difference to me either way so I’m not worried about it.
Q: Why must you make films? (I mean, let's be honest, only a crazy person would choose to do it)
It’s what I enjoy most and I’m good at it. I get bored really easily and when I get bored I get dark. Directing keeps me challenged, busy, excited, learning, focused. I love the all consuming nature of it. Definitely never boring.
Q: If you were at a dinner party and had to pick one of these topics for the group to discuss (sex, politics, money, religion, death, food, reincarnation) -- what would it be and why?
A: Politics probably but I t would really depend on that my guest were interested in. I love to talk about anything. I love science. If science were on this list of options I’d choose that.
Q: Make up a question for me to ask the next director I photograph. You can ask ANYTHING — just please be respectful.
A: Do you remember the first story you told and what was it?
Question from director Lulu Wang: What job could you see yourself doing if you weren't a director?
A: If I weren’t a director I think I would be a scientist of some sort. Probably something to do with genetics, neuroscience or animal psychology.
Q: The last time you had deja vu? What does deja vu mean to you?
I don’t remember the last time. I have it occasionally. I suspect it has something to do with out mind’s perception of space and time so that its sort of like a brain shiver. Or maybe something super crazy like a glimpse into an alternate universe. Who knows.
Q: What made you laugh last? When was the last time you cried? Why?
I laugh every day. I have two dogs and a very funny husband. Plus I see humor in just about everything so I have a lot of laughter.
I’ve had a few stupid cries here and there because I saw a scene in a film that moved me or when I was sick with that horrible plague death cold thing that went around LA this year and I couldn’t get out of bed for three days I was super piste about it — I had a little pathetic whimper. But the last I really cried? Probably not for a year or two. I’m not a big crier. I yell and curse before I cry.
Q: Lastly, tell the people about your next project and where they can see your work. Thank you for your time and sharing your thoughts!
I’ve got a few things I’m really excited about. But I don’t really like to go into specifics until things are done or close to done. As for my past work, right now people can see my feature, KELLY & CAL on iTunes, Amazon and Showtime. Two of my shorts, TOUCH and CONFESSIONS OF A LATE BLOOMER, are available in various places online.